Interactive Graphics

Josh Worth’s map of the solar system demonstrates a scale model of the solar system if the moon were the size of a pixel. You scroll the browser horizontally to the right observing all the planets, moon, and even the sun. The graph’s purpose is the show the scale of the solar system using visual images and an understandable size conversion. There is very little worth changing in this graph. It delivers on it purpose and the writing that the creator leaves in between planets is entertaining.

Strava Labs’ graphic is a heat map of people running and biking in the world while using a GPS compatible device and uploading their progress to their site. The graph is very accurate due to its use of Google Earth as the map to show the routes. The heat signatures show the routes and the intensity of the color show how often someone travels that path. This graph effectively demonstrates its purpose and in using Google Earth, they already have a well established base to work off of.

Zato Novo’s graph allow a person to type in any name and the graph shows how popular that name was in every state from 1910 to 2012. Using percentages based on total population every state is highlighted according prevalence. The graphic reaches its goal due to its use of the United States census to base its data off of. If I had to change something with this graphic, it would be to add a slider in order to find a specific year rather than go through every year.

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